Courage in the face of Adversity

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them, for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes before you. – Deuteronomy 31:6

Courage is defined as being motivated from the heart to do something brave. We are all born with the potential to become courageous and unstoppable. As children we’re instinctively fearless in the things that we say & do. Perhaps, because at this stage we are born into the true essence of what God intended. We have a childlike faith & tenacity, which produces courage. We try, we fail, and we hopefully learn right from wrong. And, for the most part, we are carefree of what “others think” of us and with this fearlessness, we can do anything.

I have to say that I’m grateful for the courage that I’ve been given through faith. This courage was only produced through my suffering, as a child growing up and throughout many of my adult years. I can tell you this, I’ve endured every kind of pain manageable, except for the extreme human suffering our Lord went though at the crucifixion. And I will tell you that it humbly brought me to my knees – time & time again. I couldn’t understand it, but it has truly been for a higher purpose, one that I knew nothing about until the moment Fearless Love was birthed.

 “…We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope…” (Romans 5:3-4)

There are so many times that I’ve wanted to give up and run away. Which in fact, I did become a marathon runner. First running from Florida where my story started, to New York and all the way across to California, where I fell deeply-madly in Love with Jesus and now here in Dallas, TX to write my story. I believe this journey alone, has taken great courage, a courage that was only produced through my trials. I would never in a million years trade the experiences I’ve had for anything. To know my purpose has been the greatest gift of all. But it was something that I had to get sober for and dig very deep; to get in that secret place and really listen to the still-small voice. He tells me every time there’s a battle “I have you, just trust in me.”

In the beginning, I was running far from the person I was and now I’m running into the fearless woman God created me to be and wanted me to be all along. I just never knew how much he loved me…

Fearless Love – is about taking great risks, with great courage, to find the great reward – the true meaning of life. You never know what a person has been through on their journey or is presently going through now, but what we do know is this… Only LOVE can change the world.

“…However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24)

He’s in the the secret place.

With Love & Courage,
Julie L. Cartier

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