Love Fearlessly

A Powerful Testimony; Humbling of the Human Spirit; Redemption; A Life Mission to Love Fearlessly.
Having an intense burning desire to save this beautiful world came to me early in my childhood. I felt the despair, the cruelty and loneliness of mankind at a very young age. I knew deep down that it was a very broken place, but to what degree -  that would come through my long awaited journey. The greater the desire became in my heart, the greater the darkness I experienced along the way. A darkness that almost took my life at age 33.

Mankind is not always kind; is not always good; and not always honorable - at least that’s my experience.  Although, we’re all fighting our own battles, we still have the choice on how we will react to our circumstances. A lot of times, people let it get the best of them and they become bitter, not better. People would rather check out of life completely when facing their toughest battles. Usually, they get lost in some type of addiction, at least that’s what I did. And an addiction, whether it’s good or bad, will consume you until you’re empty and your human spirit- broken.

But it’s your choice…

We choose to bear our trials without resistance and with patience by pressing in, instead of checking out. Pressing in, allows us to see past the problem, understand the lesson, and truly recognize the character building from the fire – this is true success. For though we fall 7 times, we rise 8 and when you get to the point of forgiving 70 x 7 (eternal forgiveness), this is how we learn the true meaning of Life and Love. These are the noble warriors – the fearless ones.

I challenge you to let Love be your highest priority.
Love, because it is the greatest gift.
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